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Lehrstuhl für Biogeografie

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Frank Weiser (2023)Linking in-situ and remote sensing data for a better understanding of ecological changes in forest ecosystems of La Palma, Spain mehr...
Anna Walentowitz (2022)Anthropogenic biodiversity changes and altered biogeographic patterns on islands mehr...
Alexandra Lawrence (2022)The future of protected areas: towards a multiscale management strategy enabling movement in face of climate change mehr...
Yohannes Kidane (2022)Vegetation Diversity and Distribution Along the Bale Mountains Afroalpine Hotpot of Biodiversity in the Face of a Fast-Changing World mehr...
Mirela Beloiu Schwenke (2021)Forest response to climate warming and drought in Europe mehr...
Yanchao Cheng (2020)Assessing spatio-temporal risks of vector-borne diseases: an interdisciplinary view integrating ecological and epidemiological models mehr...
Nils Tjaden (2020)Spatial Risk Assessment of Mosquito-Borne Viral Diseases – Research at the Intersection of Ecology and Epidemiology. mehr...
Samuel Hoffmann (2019)Advances in Conservation Biogeography: Towards Protected Area Effectiveness under Anthropogenic Threats mehr...
Andreas Schweiger (2016)Springs as models to unveil ecological drivers and responses: Perspectives for ecosystem theory from neglected ecosystems mehr...
David Harter (2015)Eco-evolutionary responses of plants to spatial and temporal climatic variation mehr...
Andrey Malyshev (2015)Plant growth responses to winter climate change: from amongand within-species variation to plant-soil interactions mehr...
Anja Jaeschke (2014)Extending the climate envelope: Methodological approaches to integrate ecological prerequisites in species distribution models at large spatial extents mehr...
Stephanie Thomas (2014)Vector-borne Disease Risk Assessment in Times of Climate Change: The Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens mehr...
Manuel Steinbauer (2013)The Effect of Spatial and Environmental Drivers on Patterns in Species Richness and Composition mehr...
Torsten Bittner (2011)Climate change impacts on habitats and biodiversity: From environmental envelope modelling to nature conservation strategies mehr...
Dominik Fischer (2011)Applying regional climate change projections for spatio-temporal risk analyses of vector-borne diseases mehr...
Mohammad Belal Uddin (2011)Exotic Species Invasion and Biodiversity in Bangladesh Forest Ecosystems mehr...
Lea Märtin (2010)Positive and Negative Dynamics of Plant-Plant Interactions and their Functional Role in Regulating Ecosystem Processes
Desalegn Wana (2009)Plant Species and Functional Diversity along Altitudinal Gradients, Southwest Ethiopian Highlands mehr...
Volker Audorff (2009)Vegetation ecology of springs: ecological, spatial and temporal patterns mehr...
Daniel Thiel (2009)The Selective Use of Plant Provenances – A Potential Tool in Climate Change Adaptation? mehr...
Jürgen Kreyling (2008)Response of Vegetation to Extreme Climatic Events in Central Europe
Gerald Jurasinski (2007)Spatio-temporal patterns of biodiversity and disturbance in North-Eastern Morocco mehr...
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