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Department of Biogeography

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Manuel Steinbauer: Publications

Peer-reviewed journals
-- 2024 --
Strandberg, N A; Steinbauer, MJ; Walentowitz, A; Gosling, WD; Fall, PL; Prebble, M; Stevenson, J; Wilmshurst, J; Sear, D; Langdon, P; Edwards, ME; Nogué, S: Floristic homogenization of South Pacific islands commenced with human arrival, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8, 511-518 (2024)
doi:10.1038/s41559-023-02306-3 -- Details
-- 2023 --
Cutts, V; Hanz, D; Barajas‐Barbosa, MP; Schrodt, F; Steinbauer, MJ; Beierkuhnlein, C; Denelle, P; Fernández‐Palacios, JM; Gaüzère, P; Grenié, M; Irl, SDH; Kraft, NJB; Kreft, H; Maitner, B; Munoz, F; Thuiller, W; Violle, C; Weigelt, P; Field, R; Algar, AC: Links to rare climates do not translate into distinct traits for island endemics, Ecology Letters, 26(4), 504-515 (2023)
doi:10.1111/ele.14169 -- Details
Gallou, A; Jump, AS; Lynn, J; Field, R; Irl, SDH; Steinbauer, MJ; Beierkuhnlein, C; Chen, J; Chou, C-H; Hemp, A; Kidane Ogubamichael, Y; König, C; Kreft, H; Naqinezhad, A; Nowak, A; Nuppenau, JN; Trigas, P; Price, J; Roland, C; Schweiger, A; Weigelt, P; Flantua, SGA; Grytnes, JA: Diurnal temperature range as a key predictor of plants’ elevation ranges globally, Nature Communications, 14, 7890 (2023)
Hanz, D; Cutts, V; Barajas‐Barbosa, MP; Algar, AC; Beierkuhnlein, C; Collart, F; Fernández‐Palacios, JM; Field, R; Karger, DN; Kienle, D; Kreft, H; Patiño, J; Schrodt, F; Steinbauer, MJ; Weigelt, P; Irl, SDH: Effects of climate change on the distribution of plant species and plant functional strategies on the Canary Islands, Diversity and Distributions, 29(9), 1157-1171 (2023)
Walentowitz, A; Lenzner, B; Essl, F; Strandberg, N A; Castilla‐Beltrán, A; Fernández‐Palacios, JM; Björck, S; Connor, S; Haberle, SG; Ljung, K; Prebble, M; Wilmshurst, J; Froyd, CA; de Boer, EJ; de Nascimento, L; Edwards, ME; Stevenson, J; Beierkuhnlein, C; Steinbauer, MJ; Nogué, S: Long‐term trajectories of non‐native vegetation on islands globally, Ecology Letters, 26(5), 729-741 (2023)
-- 2022 --
Hanz, D; Cutts, V; Barajas‐Barbosa, MP; Algar, AC; Beierkuhnlein, C; Fernández‐Palacios, JM; Field, R; Kreft, H; Steinbauer, MJ; Weigelt, P; Irl, SDH; Davies, J: Climatic and biogeographical drivers of functional diversity in the flora of the Canary Islands., Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(7), 1313-1331 (2022)
-- 2021 --
Cervellini, M; Musciano, M; Zannini, P; Fattorini, S; Jiménez-Alfaro, B; Agrillo, E; Attorre, F; Angelini, P; Beierkuhnlein, C; Casella, L; Field, R; Fischer, JC; Genovesi, P; Hoffmann, S; Irl, SDH; Nascimbene, J; Rocchini, D; Steinbauer, MJ; Vetaas, OR; Chiarucci, A: Diversity of European habitat types is correlated with geography more than climate and human pressure, Authorea, 11(24), 18111-18124 (2021)
Irl, SDH; Schweiger, A; Steinbauer, MJ; Ah-Peng, C; Arévalo, JR; Beierkuhnlein, C; Chiarucci, A; Daehler, CC; Fernández-Palacios, JM; Flores, O; Kueffer, CH; Maděra, P; Otto, Rüdiger; Schweiger, JMI; Strasberg, D; Jentsch, A: Human impact, climate and dispersal strategies determine plant invasion on islands, Journal of Biogeography, 48(8), 1889-1903 (2021)
Schweizer, AM; Leiderer, A; Mitterwallner, V; Walentowitz, A; Mathes, GH; Steinbauer, MJ: Outdoor cycling activity affected by COVID-19 related epidemic-control-decisions, PlosOne, 16(5), e0249268 (2021)
-- 2020 --
Flantua, SGA; Payne, R; Borregaard, MK; Beierkuhnlein, C; Steinbauer, MJ; Dullinger, C; Essl, F; Irl, SDH; Kienle, D; Kreft, H; Lenzner, B; Norder, SJ; Rijsdijk, KF; Rumpf, SB; Weigelt, P; Field, R: Snapshot isolation and isolation history challenge the analogy between mountains and islands used to understand endemism, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(10), 1651–1673 (2020)
Irl, SDH; Obermeier, A; Beierkuhnlein, C; Steinbauer, MJ: Climate controls plant life-form patterns on a high-elevation oceanic island, Journal of Biogeography, 47(10), 2261–2273 (2020)
-- 2019 --
Cutts, V; Katal, N; Löwer, C; Algar, AC; Steinbauer, MJ; Irl, SDH; Beierkuhnlein, C; Field, R: The effect of small-scale topography on patterns of endemism within islands, Frontiers of Biogeography, 11(4), e43737 (2019)
Hobohm, C; Janisová, M; Steinbauer, MJ; Landi, S; Field, R; Vanderplank, S; Beierkuhnlein, C; Grytnes, JA; Vetaas, OR; Fidelis, A; de Nascimento, L; Clark, VR; Fernández-Palacios, JM; Franklin, SB; Guarino, R; Huang, J; Krestov, PV; Ma, K; Onipchenko, V; Palmer, MW; Simon, MF; Stolz, C; Chiarucci, A: Global endemics-area relationships of vascular plants, Perspectives in ecology and conservation, 17(2), 41-49 (2019)
Kidane, Y; Steinbauer, MJ; Beierkuhnlein, C: Dead end for endemic plant species? A biodiversity hotspot under pressure, Global Ecology and Conservation, 19, e00670 (2019)
-- 2018 --
Dengler, J; Wagner, V; Dembicz, I; García-Mijangos, I; Naqinezhad, A; Boch, S; Chiarucci, A; Conradi, T; Filibeck, G; Guarino, R; Janišová, M; Steinbauer, MJ; Aćić, TR; Acosta, ATR; Akasaka, M; Allers, MA; Apostolova, I; Axmanová, I; Bakan, B; Baranova, A; Bardy-Durchhalter, M; Bartha, S; Baumann, E; Becker, T; Becker, U; Belonovskaya, E; Bengtsson, K; Benito Alonso, JL; Berastegi, A; Bergamini, A; Bonini, I; Bruun, HH; Budzhak, V; Bueno, A; Campos, JA; Cancellieri, L; Carboni, M; Chocarro, C; Conti, L; Czarniecka-Wiera, M; De Frenne, P; Deák, B; Didukh, YP; Diekmann, M,; Dolnik, C; Dupré, C; Ecker, K; Ermakov, N; Erschbamer, B; Escudero, A; Etayo, J; Fajmonová, Z; Felde, VA; Fernández Calzado, MR; Finckh, M; Fotiadis, G; Fracchiolla, M; Ganeva, A; García-Magro, D; Gavilán, RG; Germany, M; Giladi, I; Gillet, F; Giusso del Galdo, GP; González, JM; Grytnes, JA; Hájek, M; Hájková, P; Helm, A; Herrera, J; Hettenbergerová, E; Hobohm, C; Hüllbusch, EM; Ingerpuu, N; Jandt, U; Jeltsch, F; Jensen, K; Jentsch, A; Jeschke, M; Jiménez-Alfaro, B; Kącki, Z; Kakinuma, K; Kapfer, J; Kavgacı, A; Kelemen, A; Kiehl, K; Koyama, A; Koyanagi, A; Kozub, Ł; Kuzemko, A; Olsen Kyrkjeeide, M; Landi, S; Langer, N; Lastrucci, L; Lazarro, L; Lelli, C; Lepš, J; Löbel, S; Luzuriaga, AL; Maccherini, S; Magnes, M; Malicki, M; Marcenò, C; Mardari, C; Mauchamp, L; May, F; Michelsen, O; Molero Mesa, J; Molnár, Z; Moysiyenko, IY; Nakaga, YK; Natcheva, R; Noroozi, J; Pakeman, RJ; Palpurina, S; Pärtel, M; Pätsch, R; Pauli, H; Pedashenko, H; Peet, RK; Pielech, R; Pipenbaher, N; Pirini, C; Plesková, MA; Prentice, HC; Reinecke, J; Reitalu, T; Pilar Rodríguez-Rojo, M; Roleček, J; Ronkin, V; Rosati, L; Rosén, E; Ruprecht, E; Rusina, S; Sabovljević, M; Sánchez, AM; Savchenko, G; Schuhmacher, O; Škornik, S; Sperandii, MG; Staniaszek-Kik, M; Stevanović -Dajić, Z; Stock, M; Suchrow, S; Sutcliffe, LME; Swacha, G; Sykes, M; Szabó, A; Talebi, A; Tănase, C; Terzi, M; Tölgyesi, C; Torca, M; Török, P; Tóthmérész, B; Tsarevskaya, N; Tsiripidis, I; Tzonev, R; Ushimaru, A; Valkó, O; van der Maarel, E; Vanneste, T; Weiser, F; Went, J; Wesche, K; White, H; Winkler, M; Zaniewski, PT; Zhang, H; Ziv, Y; Znamenskiy, S; Biurrun, I: GrassPlot - A database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands, Phytocoenologia, 48(3), 331-347 (2018)
-- 2017 --
Buhk, C; Alt, M; Steinbauer, MJ; Beierkuhnlein, C; Warren, SD; Jentsch, A: Homogenizing and diversifying effects of intensive agricultural land-use on plant species beta diversity in Central Europe — A call to adapt our conservation measures., The Science of the Total Environment, 576, 225-233 (2017)
Irl, SDH; Schweiger, A; Medina, F M; Fernández-Palacios, JM; Harter, D; Jentsch, A; Provenzale, A; Steinbauer, MJ; Beierkuhnlein, C: An island view of endemic rarity – environmental drivers and consequences for nature conservation, Diversity and Distributions, 23(10), 1132-1142 (2017)
doi:10.1111/ddi.12605 -- Details
Lenzner, B; Weigelt, P; Kreft, H; Beierkuhnlein, C; Steinbauer, MJ: The general dynamic model of island biogeography revisited at the level of major flowering plant families., Journal of Biogeography, 44(5), 1029–1040 (2017)
Steinbauer, MJ; Irl, SDH; González, JM; Breiner, F; Hernández Hernández, RM; Hopfenmüller, S; Kidane, Y; Jentsch, A; Beierkuhnlein, C: Plant invasion and speciation along elevational gradients on the oceanic island La Palma, Canary Islands, Ecology and Evolution, 7(2), 771-779 (2017)
doi:10.1002/ece3.2640 -- Details
Steinbauer, M; Uddin, MB; Jentsch, A; Beierkuhnlein, C: Drivers for plant species diversity in a characteristic tropical forest landscape in Bangladesh., Landscape Research, 42(1), 89-105 (2017)
doi:10.1080/01426397.2016.1252038 -- Details
-- 2016 --
Irl, SDH; Anthelme, F; Harter, D; Jentsch, A; Lotter, E; Steinbauer, M; Beierkuhnlein, C: Patterns of island treeline elevation – a global perspective, Ecography, 39, 427-436 (2016)
Malyshev, A; Arfin Khan, MAS; Beierkuhnlein, C; Steinbauer, M; Henry, HA; Jentsch, A; Dengler, J; Willner, E; Kreyling, J: Plant responses to climatic extremes: within-species variation equals among-species variation, Global Change Biology, 22(1), 449-464 (2016)
doi:10.1111/gcb.13114 -- Details
Otto, Rüdiger; Whittaker, RJ; von Gaisberg, M; Stierstorfer, C; Naranjo-Cigala, A; Steinbauer, M; Borregaard, MK; Arévalo, JR; Garzón-Machado, V; Del Arco, M; Fernandez-Palacios, JM: Transferring and implementing the general dynamic model of oceanic island biogeography at the scale of island fragments: the role of geological age and topography in plant diversification in the Canaries, Journal of Biogeography, 43(5), 911–922 (2016)
doi:10.1111/jbi.12684 -- Details
Schweiger, A; Irl, SDH; Steinbauer, M; Dengler, J; Beierkuhnlein, C: Optimizing sampling approaches along ecological gradients, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 463-471 (2016)
doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12495 -- Details
Steinbauer, M; Beierkuhnlein, C; Arfin Khan, MAS; Harter, D; Irl, SDH; Jentsch, A; Schweiger, A; Svenning, JC; Dengler, J: How to differentiate facilitation and environmentally driven coexistence, Journal of Vegetation Science, 27, 1071-1079 (2016) -- Details
Steinbauer, M; Field, R; Fernández-Palacios, JM; Irl, SDH; Otto, Rüdiger; Schaefer, H; Beierkuhnlein, C: Biogeographic ranges do not support niche theory in radiating Canary Island plant clades, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(7), 792-804 (2016)
doi:10.1111/geb.12425 -- Details
Steinbauer, M; Field, R; Grytnes, JA; Trigas, P; Ah-Peng, C; Attorre, F; Birks, HJB; Borges, PAV; Cardoso, P; Chou, C-H; De Sanctis, M; Sequera, MM; Duarte, MC; Elias, RB; Fernandez-Palacios, JM; Gabriel, R; Gereau, RE; Gillespie, RG; Greimler, J; Harter, D; Huang, T-J; Irl, SDH; Jeanmonod, D; Jentsch, A; Jump, AS; Kueffer, C; Nogué, S; Otto, R; Price, J; Romeiras, MM; Strasberg, D; Stuessy, T; Svenning, JC; Vetaas, OR; Beierkuhnlein, C: Topography-driven isolation, speciation and a global increase of endemism with elevation, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(9), 1097–1107 (2016)
doi:10.1111/geb.12469 -- Details
Weigelt, P; Steinbauer, M; Cabral, JS; Kreft, H: Late Quaternary climate change shapes island biodiversity, Nature, 532, 99–102 (2016)
doi:10.1038/nature17443 -- Details
-- 2015 --
Harter, D; Irl, SDH; Seo, B; Steinbauer, M; Gillespie, RG; Triantis, KA; Fernandez-Palacios, JM; Beierkuhnlein, C: Impacts of global climate change on the floras of oceanic islands - Projections, implications and current knowledge, Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 17(2), 160–183 (2015)
doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2015.01.003 -- Details
Irl, SDH; Harter, D; Steinbauer, M; Puyol Gallego, D; Fernández-Palacios, JM; Jentsch, A; Beierkuhnlein, C: Climate vs. topography – spatial patterns of plant species diversity and endemism on a high-elevation island, Journal of Ecology, 103, 1621-1633 (2015)
doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12463 -- Details
-- 2014 --
Irl, SDH; Steinbauer, M; Epperlein, L; Harter, D; Jentsch, A; Pätz, S; Wohlfahrt, C; Beierkuhnlein, C: The hitchhiker's guide to island endemism - biodiversity and endemic perennial plant species in roadside and surrounding vegetation, Biodiversity and Conservation, 23, 2273–2287 (2014)
Irl, SDH; Steinbauer, M; Messinger, J; Blume-Werry, G; Palomares-Martínez, A; Beierkuhnlein, C; Jentsch, A: Burned and devoured - Introduced herbivores, fire and the endemic flora of the high elevation ecosystem on La Palma, Canary Islands, Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 46(4), 859-869 (2014)
doi:10.1657/1938-4246-46.4.859 -- Details
Matthews, TJ; Steinbauer, M; Tzirkalli, E; Triantis, KA; Whittaker, RJ: Thresholds and the species–area relationship: a synthetic analysis of habitat island datasets, Journal of Biogeography, 41(5), 1018-1028 (2014)
Warren, SD; Alt, M; Olsona, KD; Irl, SDH; Steinbauer, M; Jentsch, A: The relationship between the spectral diversity of satellite imagery, habitat heterogeneity, and plant species richness, Ecological Informatics, 24, 160-168 (2014)
-- 2013 --
Steinbauer, M; Dolos, K; Field, R; Reineking, B; Beierkuhnlein, C: Re-evaluating the general dynamic theory of oceanic island biogeography, Frontiers of Biogeography, 5(3), 185-194 (2013) -- Details
Steinbauer, M; Gohlke, A; Mahler, C; Schmiedinger, A; Beierkuhnlein, C: Quantification of wall surface heterogeneity and its influence on species diversity at medieval castles - implications for the environmentally friendly preservation of cultural heritage, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 14(3), 219-228 (2013)
doi:10.1016/j.culher.2012.06.003 -- Details
Steinbauer, M; Irl, SDH; Beierkuhnlein, C: Elevation-driven ecological isolation promotes diversification on Mediterranean islands, Acta Oecologica, 47, 52-56 (2013)
doi:10.1016/j.actao.2012.11.004 -- Details
Uddin, MB; Steinbauer, M; Jentsch, A; Mukul, SA; Beierkuhnlein, C: Do environmental attributes, disturbances, and protection regimes determine the distribution of exotic plant species in Bangladesh forest ecosystem?, Forest Ecology and Management, 303, 72-80 (2013)
doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.03.052 -- Details
-- 2012 --
Irl, SDH; Steinbauer, M; Babel, W; Beierkuhnlein, C; Blume-Werry, G; Messinger, J; Palomares-Martínez, A; Strohmeier, S; Jentsch, A: An 11-yr exclosure experiment in a high-elevation island ecosystem: Introduced herbivore impact on shrub species richness, seedling recruitment and population dynamics, Journal of Vegetation Science, 23(6), 1114-1125 (2012)
doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01425.x -- Details
Jentsch, A; Steinbauer, M; Alt, M; Retzer, V; Buhk, C; Beierkuhnlein, C: A systematic approach to relate plant-species diversity to land use diversity across landscapes, Landscape and Urban Planning, 107(3), 236-244 (2012)
doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.06.012 -- Details
Leutner, B; Steinbauer, M; Müller, CM; Früh, AJ; Irl, SDH; Jentsch, A; Beierkuhnlein, C: Mosses Like It Rough - Growth Form Specific Responses of Mosses, Herbaceous and Woody Plants to Micro-Relief Heterogeneity, Diversity, 4, 59-73 (2012)
doi:10.3390/d4010059 -- Details
Schmiedinger, A; Kreyling, J; Steinbauer, M; Macdonald, E; Jentsch, A; Beierkuhnlein, C: A continental comparison indicates long-term effects of forest management on understory diversity in coniferous forests, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42(7), 1239-1252 (2012)
doi:10.1139/x2012-052 -- Details
Steinbauer, M; Dolos, K; Reineking, B; Beierkuhnlein, C: Current measures for distance decay in similarity of species composition are influenced by study extent and grain size, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21(12), 1203–1212 (2012)
doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2012.00772.x -- Details
Steinbauer, M; Otto, Rüdiger; Naranjo-Cigala, A; Beierkuhnlein, C; Fernandez-Palacios, JM: Increase of island endemism with altitude – speciation processes on oceanic islands, Ecography, 35, 23-32 (2012)
doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.07064.x -- Details
-- 2011 --
Kreyling, J; Bittner, T; Jaeschke, A; Jentsch, A; Steinbauer, M; Thiel, D; Beierkuhnlein, C: Assisted colonization: a question of focal units and recipient localities, Restoration Ecology, 19(4), 433-440 (2011)
doi:10.1111/j.1526-100X.2011.00777.x -- Details
Uddin, MB; Steinbauer, M; Beierkuhnlein, C: Stand Characteristics and Spatial Species Aggregation in a Bangladesh Forest Ecosystem, Diversity, 3, 453-465 (2011)
doi:10.3390/d3030453 -- Details
-- 2010 --
Steinbauer, M; Beierkuhnlein, C: Characteristic Pattern of Species Diversity on the Canary Islands, Erdkunde, 64(1), 57-71 (2010)
doi:10.3112/erdkunde.2010.01.05 -- Details
Non-peer-reviewed journals and series
Alt, M; Jentsch, A; Buhk, C; Steinbauer, M: Disturbances and Biodiversity at Grafenwöhr Training Area, Biodiversity & Ecology, 4, 365–365 (2012)
Jentsch, A; Buhk, C; Beierkuhnlein, C; Steinbauer, M; Alt, M: Disturbances and Biodiversity in the Fichtelgebirge, Biodiversity & Ecology, 4, 364–364 (2012)
doi:10.7809/b-e.00155 -- Details
Hein, R; Steinbauer, M; Schlumprecht, H; Reineking, B; Jentsch, A; Beierkuhnlein, C: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Fauna, Flora und Lebensräume sowie Anpassungsstrategien des Naturschutzes, BfN-Skripten(252), 54-57 (2009)
Steinbauer, M; Zeidler, J: Climate Change in the Northern Areas Pakistan - Impacts on glaciers, ecology and livelyhoods, , Gilgit Conservation and Information Center, World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan (2008) -- Details
Books and Book Chapters
Steinbauer, M; Schweiger, A; Irl, SDH: Patterns in Biogeography, Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 1, Oxford: Academic Press, 221–230 (2016)
doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-800049-6.00110-4 -- Details
Chiarucci, A; Beierkuhnlein, C; Essl, F; Fernandez-Palacios, JM; Jentsch, A; Hobohm, C; Kreft, H; Krestov, PV; Löbel, S; Steinbauer, MJ; Storch, D; Triantis, KA; Weigelt, P; Dengler, J: Global patterns of vascular plant species richness, endemic richness and endemicity: a new approach to identify hotspots and cold spots. - In: Mucina L., Price J.N., Kalwij J.M. [Eds.], Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, p. 78 Kwongan Foundation, Perth (2014)
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