Alexander Maurer (2025) | Wildfire effects on vitality of temperate broadleaf forests in Southwestern Romania more... |
Anna Handte-Reinecker (2024) | Assessing the Endemic Flora in La Palma’s Abandoned Agricultural Lands to Navigate Agricultural Transitions more... |
Udechukwu Shalom Ebube (2024) | Current and future West Nile virus transmission risk in Europe: Environmental niche model integrating climatic, environmental and socioeconomic drivers more... |
Susanne Grünewald (2024) | Association between grass pollen exposure and asthma: A meta-analysis with a special focus on urban greenspace |
Corbinian W. Benelli (2024) | Global Analysis of Plant Species Richness on Big, Continental Islands more... |
Lindes De Waal (2023) | Integrating Temperature and Land-Cover to Model Aedes albopictus’ Distribution and Abundance at the City Scale Under Climate Change more... |
Alina Joy Domdey (2023) | Global, spatial analysis of mosquito-associated virus diversity and its potential drivers more... |
Vincent Wilkens (2023) | Traits to Live or Traits to Die? – Tracing the Development of Functional Diversity in Trees During Cenozoic Climate Change more... |
Samip Narayan Shrestha (2023) | Influence of intensified glacier melt on downstream vegetation patterns in Langtang Valley, Nepal more... |
Hannah Pepe (2023) | The role of protected areas, forest cover and human disturbance on breeding site selection during the re-population of wolves in Germany more... |
Anna Hofmann (2023) | Eine Analyse funktioneller Merkmale der mitteleuropäischen Flora more... |
Marius Harmansa (2023) | Waldquellen: Jungwuchs nutzt Stickstoff nach Rodung more... |
Christopher Shatto (2023) | Assessing the resilience of Pinus canariensis stands to sulfur emissions following the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption, La Palma, Spain |
Donald Mwaba (2023) | Detecting effects of the 2018 drought event on the Franconian Jura Forest edges using Remote Sensing. more... |
Christoffer Johansson (2023) | Comparing prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. among Ixodes ricinus ticks in urban, suburban, and natural habitats across Europe: A meta-analysis more... |
Clarissa Schmelzle (2023) | Forest edge influence on tree sapling drought damage in Northern Bavaria more... |
Veronika Schlosser (2023) | Assessing Biodiversity based on the Spectral Variation Hypothesis at a Natura 2000 site more... |
Maria Umlauf (2022) | The importance of habitat structure and environmental variables for the distribution, abundance, and composition of mosquito larvae within the Donaumoos, Bavaria more... |
Mario Schanz (2022) | Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Diversitätsmuster von Waldquellen nordostbayerischer Mittelgebirge more... |
Johannes Höger (2022) | Der Einfluss von Dürre auf die Beta-Diversität der Quellflurvegetation von silikatischen Waldquellen im Fichtelgebirge und Frankenwald more... |
Katrin Mayer (2022) | Analyse der mittelfristigen Populationsentwicklung von Cordulegaster bidentata und Cordulegaster boltonii an Waldquellen in der Hersbrucker Alb anhand von Larvennachweisen more... |
Valeska Schönlau (2022) | Species-specific tree recovery from the 2018 drought considering abiotic factors more... |
Sujung Yoo (2022) | The Exposure of Marine Protected Areas and Red List Species to Abandoned, Lost or Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear Worldwide |
Carola Stolle (2022) | Comparison and Analysis of NDVI Trends from Landsat and MODIS Time Series (1993-2020) in Bushbuckridge, South Africa |
Daniel Mederer (2021) | Distribution patterns of invasive plant species on the island of La Palma more... |
Eftalya Günes (2021) | Freshwater Fish Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot Anthropogenic Impacts on Freshwater Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Biome more... |
Jana Edelmann (2021) | Disentangling the Influence of the Environment and Mosquito Diversity on Vector Mosquito Diversity in Europe more... |
Emmanuel Adeleke (2021) | Wind speed predicts the non-occurrences of the Asian Tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in Europe and limits the contribution of relevant temperature and precipitation parameters. more... |
Jakob Langenbacher (2020) | Conditional predictions in joint species distribution models for mosquitoes: Does presence-absence data about additional species enhance predictions of the target species presence? more... |
Maike Stumpf (2020) | Can Climate and Land Cover Explain the Absence of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Some Parts of Eurasia? more... |
Qi Lai (2020) | Priority Conservation Sites Suggested by Climate Change Velocity and Topographic Complexity across Europe |
Heidrun-Katharina Otto (2020) | Parasitenbefall und Aufenthaltsorte der Rebhühner Perdix perdix Oberfrankens im Winter |
Olusanya Awoyele (2020) | Altitudinal Shifts in Chikungunya Transmission in Africa and South America: Implications of Climate Change |
Ridwan A. Shittu (2020) | Altitudinal shifts of climatically suitable areas for dengue transmission in the high mountain regions of Africa and Asia |
Anna Walentowitz (2019) | Ecological consequences of invasive woody plants replacing endemic Scalesia cordata trees in the Galápagos Islands more... |
Erika Belen Gress (2019) | Black Corals (Hexacorallia: Antipatharia) in shallow and mesophotic reef ecosystems from Madagascar, and in a global perspective more... |
Vladimir Metelitsa (2019) | Impacts of climate and land use change on bumble bee distribution and its pollination services in Europe |
Rohan Kottapally (2019) | West Nile Virus in Europe: Spatial and temporal analysis of Vector and Dead end Hosts |
Fabian Friedrich (2019) | Landscape and habitat fragmentation of the natura 2000 network |
Isabell Steinbuch (2018) | Analysis of range losses in species protected by the Habitats Directive depending on their ecology and functional traits |
Rija Falimanalina Andriamifidy (2018) | Impact of spatial resolution on the performance of species distribution models considering three administrative scales |
Lukas Zipfel (2018) | Estimating the future spread of Aedes albopictus in Germany: a spatially explicit combined population and species distribution modelling approach |
Katharina Imrich (2018) | Chikungunya in Europe: Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability |
Claudia Steinacker (2018) | Forest habitat types in the face of climate change |
Thomas Schönwetter (2018) | Implications of Climate Change for tropical montane cloud forests on La Palma - An analysis of shifting cloud heights |
Jan-Christopher Fischer (2018) | Satellite-based long-term analysis of ocean color around La Réunion Island (Indian Ocean) |
Philipp Kohler (2018) | Effects of microhabitat and space limitation on Norway spruce regeneration in bark beetle affected areas of Bavarian Forest National Park more... |
Matthäus Kowol (2018) | Auswirkungen von Frost auf den Schlupferfolg und die Schlupfdauer von Eiern des Krankheitsvektors Aedes albopictus |
Bernadette Menzinger (2018) | Identifying drivers of the treeline ecotone in the Alps – a remote sensing and GIS approach more... |
Edvinas Rommel (2018) | A closer look from space: The potential of Sentinel-2 data for beta-diversity measurements on small scale in a tundra alpine ecosystem more... |
Jamyra Gehler (2018) | Hydrophysik und Vegetation helokrener Waldquellfluren im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald more... |
Ange Raharivololoniaina (2018) | Climate change threats to protected areas in Madagascar |
Bravedo Mudenda Mwaanga (2017) | Geographical analysis of habitat richness in European protected areas for conservation of biodiversity |
Mst Umme Salma Nila (2017) | Natura 2000 in Times of Climate Change: An Analysis across Biogeographical Regions in Europe |
Esther Baumann (2017) | Leaf coloration along an elevational gradient on the Island of La Réunion - Exploring the possibilities of field sampling and remote sensing - more... |
Pia Eibes (2017) | Mediterranean high mountain flora: patterns of endemism, species richness and leaf colours along an elevational gradient in the Spanish Sierra Nevada more... |
Alexander Obermeier (2017) | Finding the optimal spatial resolution for classification of habitat types in protected areas |
Frank Weiser (2017) | Assessing the forest response along treelines to an Epirrita autumnata outbreak in Abisko, using a combination of fieldwork and remote sensing more... |
Jonas Benner (2017) | Quantifying beta diversity patte rns in alpine grassland in Gran Paradiso National Park more... |
Jan-Niklas Nuppenau (2016) | Are mountain passes really higher in the tropics? Global pattern of species’ elevational ranges more... |
Fabian Spaich (2016) | The effects of Climate Change on endemic plants of La Palma more... |
Sarah Hamberger (2016) | The effects of soil moisture on temperature – heat waves in the eastern part of Germany |
Samuel Hoffmann (2015) | The same, only different: analysing the world’s grassland heterogeneity in terms of productivity and beta diversity more... |
Katharina Imrich (2015) | Kälte als limitierender Faktor der Verbreitung von Aedes albopictus in Deutschland |
Barbara Scholz (2015) | Fish-friendly innovative hydropower? Monitoring of two hydropower stations with fish protection facilities for downstream movement. |
Lena Muffler (2015) | Modelling the risk of Dengue Fever in Europe Based on the Extrinsic Incubation Period and Climate Change Projections |
Bernd Lenzner (2015) | Ecological implications of flower color change in fertilized and unfertilized grassland over the past 150 years |
Corinna Schillinger (2014) | Langjährige Vegetationsentwicklung helokrener, silikatischer Waldquellen in deutschen Mittelgebirgen unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Wasserchemie |
David R. Kienle (2014) | From islands to continents – a new view on global treeline patterns |
Jessica Kobbe (2014) | Change in diversification along elevational gradients on oceanic islands |
Samuel Rauhut (2013) | Der Keilblättrige Serpentin-Streifenfarn (Asplenium cuneifolium VIV.) in Deutschland: Räumliche Analyse des Vorkommens anhand von Serpentinitgesteinsvorkommen, Klima- und Landnutzungsparametern more... |
Gesche Blume-Werry (2012) | Coupling of above- and belowground phenology along an altitudinal gradient in subarctic Sweden |
Stephanie S. Schmid (2012) | Frost hardiness of native and exotic tree species in Germany |
Daniela Kretz (2012) | Quantification of leaf damage in response to the extreme spring frost event in May 2011 by remote sensing at different geographical scales |
Holger Dempe (2011) | Implications of climate change on habitat coherence of the European NATURA 2000 network in Germany – an attempt to a holistic approach more... |
Laura Dienstbach (2011) | Können Düngung und Mahdzeitpunkt die negativen Auswirkungen erhöhter Niederschlagsvariabilität auf Biomasse und Futterqualität eines extensiv genutzten Grünlandes kompensieren? more... |
Brian Oney (2011) | Quantifying the climatic niche of Pinus contorta – a comparison of two approaches |
Johannes Förster (2010) | The Potential of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)in Western Ghana more... |
Sarah Asam (2010) | Water Availability in the Aral Sea Basin: Derivation of Fractional Vegetation Covers from Multi-scale Remote Sensing Data for Hydrological Modeling in Central Asia more... |
Yohannes Kidane (2010) | Satellite Based Assessment of Biodiversity Patterns in Afro-Alpine Ecosystems in the Face of Climate Change more... |
Julian Zeidler (2009) | Field-based agricultural land-use classification and analysis in Khorezm, Uzbekistan for the years 2004 to 2007 more... |
Franziska Niemitz (2009) | Investigating the present global distribution and future dispersal of Aedes albopictus in Bavaria. |
Manuel Steinbauer (2009) | The moving target - measuring biological diversity more... |