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Department of Biogeography

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Master Thesis

Alexander Maurer (2025)Wildfire effects on vitality of temperate broadleaf forests in Southwestern Romania more...
Anna Handte-Reinecker (2024)Assessing the Endemic Flora in La Palma’s Abandoned Agricultural Lands to Navigate Agricultural Transitions more...
Udechukwu Shalom Ebube (2024)Current and future West Nile virus transmission risk in Europe: Environmental niche model integrating climatic, environmental and socioeconomic drivers more...
Susanne Grünewald (2024)Association between grass pollen exposure and asthma: A meta-analysis with a special focus on urban greenspace
Corbinian W. Benelli (2024)Global Analysis of Plant Species Richness on Big, Continental Islands more...
Lindes De Waal (2023)Integrating Temperature and Land-Cover to Model Aedes albopictus’ Distribution and Abundance at the City Scale Under Climate Change more...
Alina Joy Domdey (2023)Global, spatial analysis of mosquito-associated virus diversity and its potential drivers more...
Vincent Wilkens (2023)Traits to Live or Traits to Die? – Tracing the Development of Functional Diversity in Trees During Cenozoic Climate Change more...
Samip Narayan Shrestha (2023)Influence of intensified glacier melt on downstream vegetation patterns in Langtang Valley, Nepal more...
Hannah Pepe (2023)The role of protected areas, forest cover and human disturbance on breeding site selection during the re-population of wolves in Germany more...
Anna Hofmann (2023)Eine Analyse funktioneller Merkmale der mitteleuropäischen Flora more...
Marius Harmansa (2023)Waldquellen: Jungwuchs nutzt Stickstoff nach Rodung more...
Christopher Shatto (2023)Assessing the resilience of Pinus canariensis stands to sulfur emissions following the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption, La Palma, Spain
Donald Mwaba (2023)Detecting effects of the 2018 drought event on the Franconian Jura Forest edges using Remote Sensing. more...
Christoffer Johansson (2023)Comparing prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. among Ixodes ricinus ticks in urban, suburban, and natural habitats across Europe: A meta-analysis more...
Clarissa Schmelzle (2023)Forest edge influence on tree sapling drought damage in Northern Bavaria more...
Veronika Schlosser (2023)Assessing Biodiversity based on the Spectral Variation Hypothesis at a Natura 2000 site more...
Maria Umlauf (2022)The importance of habitat structure and environmental variables for the distribution, abundance, and composition of mosquito larvae within the Donaumoos, Bavaria more...
Mario Schanz (2022)Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Diversitätsmuster von Waldquellen nordostbayerischer Mittelgebirge more...
Johannes Höger (2022)Der Einfluss von Dürre auf die Beta-Diversität der Quellflurvegetation von silikatischen Waldquellen im Fichtelgebirge und Frankenwald more...
Katrin Mayer (2022)Analyse der mittelfristigen Populationsentwicklung von Cordulegaster bidentata und Cordulegaster boltonii an Waldquellen in der Hersbrucker Alb anhand von Larvennachweisen more...
Valeska Schönlau (2022)Species-specific tree recovery from the 2018 drought considering abiotic factors more...
Sujung Yoo (2022)The Exposure of Marine Protected Areas and Red List Species to Abandoned, Lost or Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear Worldwide
Carola Stolle (2022)Comparison and Analysis of NDVI Trends from Landsat and MODIS Time Series (1993-2020) in Bushbuckridge, South Africa
Daniel Mederer (2021)Distribution patterns of invasive plant species on the island of La Palma more...
Eftalya Günes (2021)Freshwater Fish Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot Anthropogenic Impacts on Freshwater Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Biome more...
Jana Edelmann (2021)Disentangling the Influence of the Environment and Mosquito Diversity on Vector Mosquito Diversity in Europe more...
Emmanuel Adeleke (2021)Wind speed predicts the non-occurrences of the Asian Tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in Europe and limits the contribution of relevant temperature and precipitation parameters. more...
Jakob Langenbacher (2020)Conditional predictions in joint species distribution models for mosquitoes: Does presence-absence data about additional species enhance predictions of the target species presence? more...
Maike Stumpf (2020)Can Climate and Land Cover Explain the Absence of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Some Parts of Eurasia? more...
Qi Lai (2020)Priority Conservation Sites Suggested by Climate Change Velocity and Topographic Complexity across Europe
Heidrun-Katharina Otto (2020)Parasitenbefall und Aufenthaltsorte der Rebhühner Perdix perdix Oberfrankens im Winter
Olusanya Awoyele (2020)Altitudinal Shifts in Chikungunya Transmission in Africa and South America: Implications of Climate Change
Ridwan A. Shittu (2020)Altitudinal shifts of climatically suitable areas for dengue transmission in the high mountain regions of Africa and Asia
Anna Walentowitz (2019)Ecological consequences of invasive woody plants replacing endemic Scalesia cordata trees in the Galápagos Islands more...
Erika Belen Gress (2019)Black Corals (Hexacorallia: Antipatharia) in shallow and mesophotic reef ecosystems from Madagascar, and in a global perspective more...
Vladimir Metelitsa (2019)Impacts of climate and land use change on bumble bee distribution and its pollination services in Europe
Rohan Kottapally (2019)West Nile Virus in Europe: Spatial and temporal analysis of Vector and Dead end Hosts
Fabian Friedrich (2019)Landscape and habitat fragmentation of the natura 2000 network
Isabell Steinbuch (2018)Analysis of range losses in species protected by the Habitats Directive depending on their ecology and functional traits
Rija Falimanalina Andriamifidy (2018)Impact of spatial resolution on the performance of species distribution models considering three administrative scales
Lukas Zipfel (2018)Estimating the future spread of Aedes albopictus in Germany: a spatially explicit combined population and species distribution modelling approach
Katharina Imrich (2018)Chikungunya in Europe: Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability
Claudia Steinacker (2018)Forest habitat types in the face of climate change
Thomas Schönwetter (2018)Implications of Climate Change for tropical montane cloud forests on La Palma - An analysis of shifting cloud heights
Jan-Christopher Fischer (2018)Satellite-based long-term analysis of ocean color around La Réunion Island (Indian Ocean)
Philipp Kohler (2018)Effects of microhabitat and space limitation on Norway spruce regeneration in bark beetle affected areas of Bavarian Forest National Park more...
Matthäus Kowol (2018)Auswirkungen von Frost auf den Schlupferfolg und die Schlupfdauer von Eiern des Krankheitsvektors Aedes albopictus
Bernadette Menzinger (2018)Identifying drivers of the treeline ecotone in the Alps – a remote sensing and GIS approach more...
Edvinas Rommel (2018)A closer look from space: The potential of Sentinel-2 data for beta-diversity measurements on small scale in a tundra alpine ecosystem more...
Jamyra Gehler (2018)Hydrophysik und Vegetation helokrener Waldquellfluren im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald more...
Ange Raharivololoniaina (2018)Climate change threats to protected areas in Madagascar
Bravedo Mudenda Mwaanga (2017)Geographical analysis of habitat richness in European protected areas for conservation of biodiversity
Mst Umme Salma Nila (2017)Natura 2000 in Times of Climate Change: An Analysis across Biogeographical Regions in Europe
Esther Baumann (2017)Leaf coloration along an elevational gradient on the Island of La Réunion - Exploring the possibilities of field sampling and remote sensing - more...
Pia Eibes (2017)Mediterranean high mountain flora: patterns of endemism, species richness and leaf colours along an elevational gradient in the Spanish Sierra Nevada more...
Alexander Obermeier (2017)Finding the optimal spatial resolution for classification of habitat types in protected areas
Frank Weiser (2017)Assessing the forest response along treelines to an Epirrita autumnata outbreak in Abisko, using a combination of fieldwork and remote sensing more...
Jonas Benner (2017)Quantifying beta diversity patte rns in alpine grassland in Gran Paradiso National Park more...
Jan-Niklas Nuppenau (2016)Are mountain passes really higher in the tropics? Global pattern of species’ elevational ranges more...
Fabian Spaich (2016)The effects of Climate Change on endemic plants of La Palma more...
Sarah Hamberger (2016)The effects of soil moisture on temperature – heat waves in the eastern part of Germany
Samuel Hoffmann (2015)The same, only different: analysing the world’s grassland heterogeneity in terms of productivity and beta diversity more...
Katharina Imrich (2015)Kälte als limitierender Faktor der Verbreitung von Aedes albopictus in Deutschland
Barbara Scholz (2015)Fish-friendly innovative hydropower? Monitoring of two hydropower stations with fish protection facilities for downstream movement.
Lena Muffler (2015)Modelling the risk of Dengue Fever in Europe Based on the Extrinsic Incubation Period and Climate Change Projections
Bernd Lenzner (2015)Ecological implications of flower color change in fertilized and unfertilized grassland over the past 150 years
Corinna Schillinger (2014)Langjährige Vegetationsentwicklung helokrener, silikatischer Waldquellen in deutschen Mittelgebirgen unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Wasserchemie
David R. Kienle (2014)From islands to continents – a new view on global treeline patterns
Jessica Kobbe (2014)Change in diversification along elevational gradients on oceanic islands
Samuel Rauhut (2013)Der Keilblättrige Serpentin-Streifenfarn (Asplenium cuneifolium VIV.) in Deutschland: Räumliche Analyse des Vorkommens anhand von Serpentinitgesteinsvorkommen, Klima- und Landnutzungsparametern more...
Gesche Blume-Werry (2012)Coupling of above- and belowground phenology along an altitudinal gradient in subarctic Sweden
Stephanie S. Schmid (2012)Frost hardiness of native and exotic tree species in Germany
Daniela Kretz (2012)Quantification of leaf damage in response to the extreme spring frost event in May 2011 by remote sensing at different geographical scales
Holger Dempe (2011)Implications of climate change on habitat coherence of the European NATURA 2000 network in Germany – an attempt to a holistic approach more...
Laura Dienstbach (2011)Können Düngung und Mahdzeitpunkt die negativen Auswirkungen erhöhter Niederschlagsvariabilität auf Biomasse und Futterqualität eines extensiv genutzten Grünlandes kompensieren? more...
Brian Oney (2011)Quantifying the climatic niche of Pinus contorta – a comparison of two approaches
Johannes Förster (2010)The Potential of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)in Western Ghana more...
Sarah Asam (2010)Water Availability in the Aral Sea Basin: Derivation of Fractional Vegetation Covers from Multi-scale Remote Sensing Data for Hydrological Modeling in Central Asia more...
Yohannes Kidane (2010)Satellite Based Assessment of Biodiversity Patterns in Afro-Alpine Ecosystems in the Face of Climate Change more...
Julian Zeidler (2009)Field-based agricultural land-use classification and analysis in Khorezm, Uzbekistan for the years 2004 to 2007 more...
Franziska Niemitz (2009)Investigating the present global distribution and future dispersal of Aedes albopictus in Bavaria.
Manuel Steinbauer (2009)The moving target - measuring biological diversity more...
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