Daniela Kretz
Work Experience |
02/2015 - present |
Staff Member, University of Bayreuth Graduate School University of Bayreuth, Germany |
11/2013 - 04/2014 |
Researcher, Institute for Environmental Studies, Spatial Analysis Decision Support (SPACE) VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
04/2012 - 10/2013 |
Coordinator of Masters Program Global Change Ecology University of Bayreuth, Germany |
Education |
10/2009 - 03/2012 |
Master of Science in "Global Change Ecology" Thesis topic: "Frost in a warmer world: spatio-temporal investigation of the recovery of temperate forests after a late spring frost" Department of Biogeography First Supervisor: Dr. Jürgen Kreyling (Department of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth) Second Supervisor: Dr. Martin Wegmann (Department of Remote Sensing, University of Würzburg |
2005 - 2008 |
Bachelor of Science in "Environmental and Resource Management" |
Internships, Stays Abroad |
02/2012 - 03/2012 |
Research Stay: Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London (ZSL) London, United Kingdom |
07/2012 - 10/2012 |
Internship: Institue for Applied Remote Sensing, European Academy (EURAC) Bolzano, Italy |
Science Schools |
08/2013 |
Summer School: AniMove 2013: Animal movement, remote sensing, conservation Möggingen, Germany |
04/2011 |
Winter School: Biodiversity of Islands in Face of Climate Change La Palma (Canary Islands), Spain |
10/2010 |
Summer School: Assessing and Communicating the Loss of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Thurnau, Germany |
Conferences (selection) |
03/2014 | 2nd Open Science Meeting 'Land Transformations: between global challenges and local realities’ Humboldt University (Germany), Brazilian National Institute for Space Research - INPE (Brazil) and VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands) Berlin, Germany |
08/2011 | ACES: Conservation Conflicts Aberdeen Center for Environmental Sustainability Aberdeen, Scotland |
04/2010 | Continents Under Climate Change Humbolt University Berlin, Germany |
02/2010 | Bayreuther Energierechtstage: "Klimaschutz nach Kopenhagen - Internationale Instrumente und nationale Umsetzung" University of Bayreuth Bayreuth, Germany |
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