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Department of Biogeography

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Alexandra Weigelt: Talks, Posters...

Multi-species competition experiments on sandWeigelt, A*; Walther, T; Bartelheimer, M; Steinlein, TAnnual meeting of the german ecological society (GFÖ), Gießen: 2004-09-13 - 2004-09-17
Plant uptake of different amino acids in a temperate grasslandWeigelt, A*; Bardgett, RAnnual Meeting of the Britisch Ecological Society, Lancaster: 2004-09-07 - 2004-09-09
The influence of competition on lateral spread - is there a strategy of escape?Weigelt, A*Workshop Populationbiology of the German Ecological Society (GFÖ), Kopenhagen: 2003-05-29 - 2003-06-01
Plant and microbial competition for different amino acids in a temperate grasslandWeigelt, A*; Bardgett, REURECO, Lund: 2002-07-27 - 2002-08-01
Methodological problems related to the measurement of plant competitionWeigelt, A*; Beyschlag, W; Steinlein, TInternational Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), Freising: 2001-07-29 - 2001-08-04
Konkurrenzintensität: Biomasseeffekt oder artspezifisch?Weigelt, A*; Steinlein, T; Beyschlag, WGesellschaft für Ökologie (GFÖ), Kiel: 2000-09-11 - 2000-09-15
The influence of competition on plant population dynamics – A question of measurement?Weigelt, A*; Beyschlag, W; Steinlein, TAK Populationsbiologie der GFÖ, Freising: 2000-05-01 - 2000-06-03
Should calculations on RCI only be based on aboveground biomass data?Weigelt, A*; Steinlein, T; Beyschlag, WIAVS, Bilbao: 1999-07-26 - 1999-07-30
Einfluß von Wasser und Stickstoff auf die Konkurrenz dominanter Arten früher Sukzessionsstadien auf Sand.Weigelt, A*; Beyschlag, WAK Populationsbiologie der GFÖ, Bielefeld: 1999-05-12 - 1999-05-15
Competition between Duchesnea indica and Fragaria vesca – is there a risk of replacement?Weigelt, A*; Lauerer, M; Nepple, AWorkshop Populationbiology of the German Ecological Society (GFÖ), Regensburg: 2004-05-20 - 2004-05-22
Plant uptake of different amino acids in a temperate grasslandWeigelt, A*; Bardgett, RGerman Ecological Society (GfÖ), Halle: 2003-09-08 - 2003-09-12

* denotes presenting person
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