Andrey Malyshev: Publications
Peer-reviewed journals |
Dietrich, C; Kreyling, J; Jentsch, A; Malyshev, A: Intraspecific variation in response to magnitude and frequency of freeze-thaw cycles in a temperate grass, AoB PLANTS, 10(1) (2018) doi:10.1093/aobpla/plx068 -- Details |
Henry, HA; Abedi, M; Alados, Concepcion L; Beard, Karen H; Fraser, LH; Jentsch, A; Kreyling, J; Kulmatiski, Abdrew; Lamb, Eric G; Sun, Wei; Vankoughnett, Mathew R; Venn, Susanna; Werner, C; Beil, Ilka; Blindow, Irmgard; Dahlke, Sven; Effinger, Alexandra; Garris, Heath W; Gartzia, Maite; Gebauer, T; Arfin Khan, MAS; Malyshev, A; Morgan, JW; Nock, Charles; Paulson, Janelle P; Pueyo, Yolanda; Stover, Holly J; Yang, Xuechen: Increased Soil Frost Versus Summer Drought as Drivers of Plant Biomass Responses to Reduced Precipitation: Results from a Globally Coordinated Field Experiment, Ecosystems, 21(7), 1432-1444 (2018) doi:10.1007/s10021-018-0231-7 -- Details |
Malyshev, A; Henry, HA; Bolte, A; Arfin Khan, MAS; Kreyling, J: Temporal photoperiod sensitivity and forcing requirements for budburst in temperate tree seedlings, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248, 82-90 (2017) doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.09.011 |
Kreyling, J; Schürings, J; Malyshev, A; Vogt, L; Werner, C; Jentsch, A: Nitrogen leaching is enhanced after a winter warm spell but mainly controlled by vegetation composition in temperate zone mesocosms, Plant and Soil, 396(1), 85-96 (2015) doi:10.1007/s11104-015-2587-1 |
Malyshev, A; Henry, H: N uptake and growth responses to sub-lethal freezing in the grass Poa pratensis., Plant and Soil (2012) doi:10.1007/s11104-012-1233-4 -- Details |
Malyshev, A; Henry, HA: Frost damage and winter nitrogen uptake by the grass Poa pratensis L.: consequences for vegetative versus reproductive growth., Plant Ecology (2012) doi:10.1007/s11258-012-0127-0 -- Details |
Other Publications |
Malyshev, A; Quijon, P: Disruption of essential habitat by a coastal invader: new evidence of the effects of green crabs on eelgrass beds., ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(9), 1852-1856 (2011) |