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Lehrstuhl für Biogeografie

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Alexandra Weigelt: Publikationen

Referierte Zeitschriften
Barry, KE; van Ruijven, J; Mommer, L; Bai, Y; Beierkuhnlein, C; Buchmann, N; de Kroon, H; Ebeling, A; Eisenhauer, N; Guimarães‐Steinicke, C; Hildebrandt, A; Isbell, F; Milcu, A; Neßhöver, C; Reich, PB; Roscher, C; Sauheitl, L; Scherer‐Lorenzen, M; Schmid, B; Tilman, D; von Felten, S; Weigelt, A: Limited evidence for spatial resource partitioning across temperate grassland biodiversity experiments, Ecology, e02905, 1-13 (2020)
Craven, D; Eisenhauer, N; Pearse, WD; Hautier, Y; Isbell, F; Roscher, C; Bahn, M; Beierkuhnlein, C; Bönisch, G; Buchmann, N; Byun, C; Catford, J A; Cerabolini, B E L; Cornelissen, J H C; Craine, JM; de Luca, E; Ebeling, A; Griffin, JN; Hector, A; Hines, J; Jentsch-Beierkuhnlein, A; Kattge, J; Kreyling, J; Lanta, V; Lemoine, N; Meyer, S; Minden, V; Onipchenko, V; Polley, HW; Reich, PB; van Ruijven, J; Schamp, B; Smith, MD; Soudzilovskaia, NA; Tilman, D; Weigelt, A; Wilsey, B; Manning, P: Multiple facets of biodiversity drive the diversity–stability relationship, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(10), 1579–1587 (2018)
Craven, D; Isbell, F; Manning, P; Connolly, J; Bruelheide, H; Ebeling, A; Roscher, C; van Ruijven, J; Weigelt, A; Wilsey, B; Beierkuhnlein, C; de Luca, E; Griffin, JN; Hautier, Y; Hector, A; Jentsch, A; Kreyling, J; Lanta, V; Loreau, M; Meyer, S; Mori, AS; Naeem, S; Palmborg, C; Polley, HW; Reich, PB; Schmid, B; Siebenkäs, A; Seabloom, EW; Thakur, MP; Tilman, D; Vogel, A; Eisenhauer, N: Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 371(20150277) (2016)
Isbell, F; Craven, D; Conolly, J; Loreau, M; Schmid, B; Beierkuhnlein, C; Bezemer, TM; Bonin, C; Bruelheide, H; de Luca, E; Ebeling, A; Griffin, JN; Guo, Q; Hautier, Y; Hector, A; Jentsch, A; Kreyling, J; Lanta, V; Manning, P; Meyer, ST; Mori, AS; Naeem, S; Niklaus, P; Polley, HW; Reich, PB; Roscher, C; Seabloom, EW; Smith, MD; Thakur, MP; Tilman, D; Tracy, BF; van der Putten, WH; von Ruinven, J; Weigelt, A; Weisser, WW; Wilsey, B; Eisenhauer, N: Biodiversity increases the resistance of ecosystem productivity to climate extremes., Nature, 526, 574-577 (2015)
Scherber, C; Eisenhauer, N; Weisser, WW; Schmidt, BHM; Voigt, W; Fischer, M; Schulze, ED; Roscher, C; Weigelt, A; Allan, E; Beßler, H; Buchmann, N; Buscot, F; Clement, LW; Ebeling, A; Engels, C; Halle, S; Kertscher, I; Klein, A-M; Koller, R; König, S; Kowalski, E; Kummer, V; Kuu, A; Lange, M; Lauterbach, D; Middelhoff, C; Migunova, VD; Milcu, A; Müller, R; Partsch, S; Renker, C; Rottstock, T; Sabais, A; Scheu, S; Schumacher, J; Temperton, VM; Tscharntke, T: Bottom-up effects of plant diversity on biotic interactions in a biodiversity experiment, Nature(468), 553-556 (2010)
Sauheitl, L; Glaser, B; Weigelt, A: Advantages of compound-specific stable isotope measurements over bulk measurements in studies on plant uptake of intact amino acids, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23(20), 3333 - 3342 (2009)
doi:DOI: 10.1002/rcm.4255 -- Details
Sauheitl, L; Glaser, B; Weigelt, A: Uptake of intact amino acids by plants depends on soil amino acid concentrations, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 66(2), 145-152 (2009) -- Details
Weigelt, A; Bol, R; Bardgett, R: Preferential uptake of soil nitrogen forms by grassland plant species, Oecologia, 142, 627-635 (2005)
doi:10.1007/s00442-004-1765-2 -- Details
Weigelt, A; Jolliffe, P: Indices of plant competition, Journal of Ecology, 91 (5), 707 - 720 (2003) -- Details
Weigelt, A; King, R; Bol, R; Bardgett, R: Inter-specific variability in organic nitrogen uptake of three temperate grassland species, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 166, 606-611 (2003)
doi:10.1002/jpln.200320322 -- Details
Weigelt, A; Steinlein, T; Beyschlag, W: Competition in inland dunes: the impact of water availability on below-ground processes, Plant Ecology, accepted (2003) -- Details
Beyschlag, W; Jentsch, A; Weigelt, A: Ökologische Grundlagenforschung und praktische Naturschutzarbeit in Sandlebensräumen, Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 34 (2-3), 82 - 87 (2002) -- Details
Weigelt, A; Steinlein, T; Beyschlag, W: Does plant competition intensity rather depend on biomass or on species identity ?, Basic and Applied Ecology, 3, 85-94 (2002)
doi:10.1078/1439-1791-00080 -- Details
Weigelt, A; Röttgermann, M; Steinlein, T; Beyschlag, W: Influence of water availability on competitive interactions between plant species on sandy soils, Folia Geobotanica, 35, 169-178 (2000) -- Details
Sonstige Publikationen
Vogel, A; Scherer-Lorenzen, M; Weigelt, A: Grassland Resistance and Resilience after Drought Depends on Management Intensity and Species Richness, PLoS ONE, 7(5) (2012)
Weigelt, A; Marquard, E; Temperton, VM; Roscher, C; Scherber, C; Mwangi, PN; Buchmann, N; Schmid, B; Schulze, ED; Weisser, WW: The Jena-Experiment: six years of data from a grassland biodiversity experiment, Ecological Archives M075-001-S1, 91(3), 930 (2010)
Beyschlag, W; Jentsch, A; Friedrich, S; Weigelt, A: Disturbance creates stability - experimental investigations on Mid-European sand dunes in Jiarong G., Vese M., Baoping S. Beyschlag W.: Restoration and Stability of Arid and Semi-arid Areas, Science Publisher Beijing, 56-64 (2006)
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden
Sauheitl, L; Weigelt, A; Glaser, B: Pflanzliche Aminosäureaufnahme bei unterschiedlichen Aminosäurekonzentrationen im Boden, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 110/2, 407-408 (2007)
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